If we were in the Big Show right now Wiz, they would be playing the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood make believe music. Its easy to play the what if game on this type of topic. I like to live in reality my good man. The reality is that no one got hurt, thank god, and Carmelo made a mistake. I like to believe that people deserve second chances.
Now on to the NBA Playoffs. We'll start in the Eastern Conference.
Atlanta Hawks vs Boston Celtics- The Celtic defense is just too good. The Celtics have a much better bench and the Garden will shaking. I'm looking forward to the point guard match up between Rondo and Mike Bibby. Bibby always plays well in the playoffs and this is Rondo's first taste of playoffs action. Should be a sweep but 5 games at the most.
Phildelphia 76ers vs Detroit Pistons- The 76ers are better than people think and they will give the Pistons some trouble. Rasheed dosent like to go inside anymore and just hangs around the perimiter now. The 76ers will try and run and run with all those athletes but Detroit is very good at forcing a team to play the halfcourt game. Pistons in 6.
Toranto Raptors vs Orlando Magic- This is an interesting series. The Bosh/Howard match up is one of the best indivdual matchups of the first round. The Raptors are better without TJ Ford and with Jose Calderon. But now Ford is back starting and Calderon is back on the bench playing 20 minutes a game. The Raptors have a ton of shooters and they can get hot for a series but Howard and Hedo Turkaglu are just too much. Magic in 6.
Washington Wizards vs Cleveland Cavilaries- The best first round series in the East. The Wizards can really score and they seem better with Gilbert Arenas coming off the bench. However, as Stephen A. Smith would say, they have called out LeBron. Deshawn Stevenson has called him overrated and Gilbert has been talking on his blog. LeBron plays out of his mind and carrys his sorry supporting cast past the Wizards in 7 games.
Cavs vs Celtics
LeBron cant carry is sorry supporting cast past the Celtics. Ben Wallace cant handle KG and the Celtic bench will be a huge key. Whoever Wally Szczerbiak guards weather Pierce or Ray Allen has a feild day. Tony Allen and James Posey coming off the bench to guard LeBron will be big. LeBron still has a good series but his sorry supporting cast (I'm just gonna refer to them as SSC. Its just eaiser.) dosent do much. Celtics in 6.
Magic vs Pistons
Dwight Howard has the time of his life in this series. Sheed wants no piece of of the paint on defese. Howard will abuse him. However, Sheed draws Howard out the 3 point line and allows Billups and Hamilton to pentrate. I would not be shocked if the Magic win this series but I think the Pistons end up winning in 7.
Eastern Confernce Finals- Pistons vs Celtics
Its that 80s show all over again on this time it will be good. KG has has 3 great games vs the Pistons and has abused Sheed all year. Like I keep saying Sheed wants no part of the paint. This is going to be such a great series. Rondo took a big step in the last Celtics/Pistons matchup. He did a great job on Billups in that game. Once again the Celtic bench will be key. I look for Sam I Am to hit a big shot as well as James Posey. Celtics in 7, baby.
Western Conference
Denver Nuggets vs Los Angeles Lakers- The Nuggets can be scary because they are so good at scoring the basketball but other than Marcus Cambey, they have no interest in defense. Kobe will have a crazy sereis becuase he'll be able to score at will vs the Nuggets. I think Carmelo and AI have a good series as well but the Nuggets lack of knowledge at the defensive end does them in. Tougher than people think but Lakers in 6.
Dallas Mavericks vs New Orleans Hornets- Upset special. Dirk has got that killer instcit back as he has been carrying the Mavs lately. Dont be shocked in Josh Howard gaurds Chris Paul. I would have Howard gaurd Paul and put Kidd on Morris Peterson. Howard can handle Paul and he should give him some problems with his length and it saves Kidd's legs for offense. The Hornets have little playoff expirence and those that have some were not pleasent expirences. Mavs in 6.
Phoniex Suns vs San Antonio Spurs- The Suns got Shaq just for this matchup. Shaq gives Tim Duncan trouble and Shaq can just concentrate on defense and let Amare and Nash go crazy on offense. The Spurs havent really showed their ususal championship guts this year really. Manu has to go crazy and average 30, I think. This isnt gonna be as close as people think. The Suns have been waiting for this all year and Shaq gives them championship confidence. Suns in 5.
Utah Jazz vs Houston Rockets- The Jazz are so good at home and not too good on the road. The Rockets dont have Rafer Alston for the first 2 games and dont have Yao Ming at all. Tracy McGrady has to have a huge series for the Rokcets to win and he has the history of first round faliure. The second longest win streak in NBA history loses in the first round. Jazz in 6.
Jazz vs Lakers- This gonna be a great series. The key matchup is Carlos Boozer vs Pau Gasol. That should be a great matchup. If I'm not mistaken, the Lakers went into Utah and blew them out so they have that going for them. Deron Willams will have the best series out of everyone in the series. The Jazz are too shaky on the road tho so I'm gonna go with the Lakers in 6.
Mavs vs Suns- Too many weapons for the Mavs to cover. Amare will be unstopable. The Mavs did go into Pheonix and came back from 13 down to win but I dont think that will happen again. This is where the Suns get to run as opposed to in the first round where it was half court game. Suns in 6.
Western Conference Finals- Suns vs Lakers
Shaq vs Kobe. All week we'll be seeing ESPN showing all the Shaq and Kobe stories from the past. We'll see the stupid clip of Shaq giving Kobe a piggy back ride and all those stupid clips. But other than that it should be a great West Final to go with the East Final. Im going with the Lakers be cause I need and want to see a Celtic/Laker NBA Final. Lakers in 7.
NBA Final- Los Angeles Lakers vs Boston Celtics.
The most storied rivalry in basketball gets renewd this year. On ESPN Classic and NBA TV, we will get to see all the Celtic/Laker games from years past which is phenomal. The Celtics have more offensive weapons plus the fantastic defense. KG, Pierce and Allen wont let this slip away. Posey and TA's defense on Kobe will be key. Leon Powe will be huge as will Eddie House and Sam I am. The C's swept the Lakers this year. Granted that was before the Lakers had Gasol. But let me ask you this question. Is there really much a difference bewteen the Lakers with Gasol or the Lakers with Andrew Bynum? I dont really see much a differnce. Gasol is better offensively while Bynum is better defensivly. This series will the most watched final ever. It's going to be so much fun, I'm getting goosebumbs just thinking about it. Celtics in 7 and it goes down as one of the best Finals ever.