When a person calls another person, "fake" it generally implies that they act in a certain way that they are not. When I call a person fake, I am refering to South African runner, Oscar Pistorius. Don't get me wrong, I repect the disabled, and I am for equality, but how in the world are his prosthetic legs or running blades not considered a, "mechanical advantage". Was the OJ Simpson jury called upon to make a ruling again or has The Court of Arbitration for Sport lost their mind. I thought the problem with the olympics was that it was being held in communist China. Since our politically correct culture won't allow us to say anything negative, I guess i'm going to have to. This is 100%, a ruling for ratings. Joe America, (who's not a real person, just a representive of the populas) probably isn't going to watch the olympics. When you tell Joe that a guy with no legs is running, he might tune in. Fortunatly, for tradition, Mr. Pistorius hasn't made the South African team just yet, and his best qualifying time in his life doesn't even meet the minimum requirement to make the olympics.
I want to talk about the ruling in detail now. The The Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that he didn't have a mechanical advatage. I guess he put on his best prosthetic legs for that appearance. A runner uses everypart of his body to achieve his best time. Does Oscar Pistorius even stretch? The most comman injury in sport is, a bruise. Pistorius can only bruise on about 70% of his body because metal legs reportedly don't bruise. For a runner however, the most comman injuries include foot, ankle, and knee injuries, and all the muscles inbetween. Pistorius get's to avoid these as well. Pistorius calls his legs, "Running Blades". Physically, Blades have much less wind resistance than flesh. When someone says, "Break a leg", what does that mean for Pistorius? I'm sure he's a nice guy who simply wants equality, but he's missing two legs. In a competive world of sport, he will never be seen as equal. While the world roots for him, i'll be the one cheering on tradition.
In other news, the LA Lakers beat my western conference finals predition, the Utah Jazz. It was a great game to watch, much like all the other games this postseason. Hopefully we can be blessed to see Chris Paul prove to the world that he deserved the MVP over that crybaby Kobe Bryant.
Finally, today is the preakness. Horse racing has always been one of the most exciting events in sports and despite PETA's views, it is great for American tradition. Today like most of the country, I like Big Brown to win at 1/2 odds. For the quinella I am liking Big Brown and Yankee Bravo. For the trifecta we are going to go with Big Brown, Yankee Brave, and Hey Byrn. Also, my lock of the day is Conneticut (-11) over Atlanta in some hardcore WNBA action...
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