The Boston Celtics are the NBA Champions for 2007-08. Words cant describe how happy I am. Ive been a Celtic fan my whole life. I was raised on the greatness of Larry Bird. The Celtics were the first team that I can remember. There's pictures of me, of when I was little, watching the Celtics play with a Larry Bird hoop right behind me. Also, there's some pictures of me wearing a Snoopy/Joe Cool style sweatshirt. Those who know me know how much I love the Celtics.
Somewhere along the way I absolutely feel in love with this team. I love all these players. From Pierce and KG to Big Baby and Sam Cassell. So many great moments that I can remember from this past year. Ray's game winner against the Bobcats. Pierce riding KG's back against Houston. Posey coming up huge against the Mavs at home. The domination of the Texas teams. Going 7-2 when KG was out with injury. Powe's game winner for the T'wolves. KG picking Sebastian Telfair's pocket to win the game. Name a player and I'll tell you a time when he helped this team win. I know I'm jumping all over the place but I cant help it. I will always remember this team. It was a joy to watch this team grow up from pre season in Rome, to a 66 win regular season, and capping it off with a dramatic playoff run and winning the NBA championship.
Legacies were made during this season, too. Kevin Garnett, by winning the championship, has cemented his place in NBA history. With a ring now I feel that he is a top 20 all time player, if not top 15. The way he has performed this year by changing the culture with the Celtics. He was just so much more emotional last night. It was an amazing thing to watch just how much winning this championship meant to him. Kissing the floor, screaming towards the rafters, crying during the post game interview, hugging Bill Russell saying "I got my own". Last was the best of his life and he came up big in the biggest game of the year and his life. By doing so, he has shut up all his critics including Peter Vecsey who in my opinion has lost all credibility by quoting Ron Artest on KG's ability to win.
Larry Bird once that you don't how it feels to be a Celtic until you have won a championship. Last night, Paul Pierce has become a true true Celtic. By winning this, I think that he is in the all time Celtics starting five with Bird, McHale, Russell, and Cooz. I have always been a Paul Pierce fan and I haven't seen any player take the type of heat he has gotten in this town. He showed everyone in the world that he is a top flight player in this league. Just knowing about what this guy has gone through in his career. From dropping to 10th in the draft, to almost dying with the stabbing incident, to playing on some bad teams, and now being the NBA Finals MVP.
There's just so much to talk about this season that I cant really think of it all now. Just a unbelievable season. I'm sure I'll talk about it some more in the near future.
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