We are now 24 hours removed from the NBA finals were all our questions about the season have been answered, except for stuart scott's, "the lakers are 15/15 in NBA championship series" comment.
Were the Lakers the best team in the NBA this season?
- As painful as it is to admit this, yes they were. By simply running away with the western conference and posting a 4-0 record against Cleveland and Boston during the regular season, its hard to argue that they were not the best. However other teams have hope in the future because according to espn beating the lakers is as easy as giving candy to an Odem. You may never see a more rediculous excuse for poor play in any sport than what we witnessed with Lamar Odem and his candy eating problems. When he is on however, and Fisher isn't pretending to be a seasoned vet from the 80's, and Llama, (Pau Gasol) is pretending to be aggresive, and Kobe doin work, is doin work they are as close to unbeatable as a team is going to get.
Will Hedo stay in Orlando?
- Odds are he will, but it is confusing that a star on a team in the finals opted out of his contract in game three. In all seriousness though he opted out a mere eight or so hours after the game five loss, which raises more questions than answers. Hedo is in a dilemma here. He can stay in Orlando and make around seven million next season, then enter the 2010 free agent pool, along with every other top 20 player in the league, or he can stay a free agent now and get a better deal with another team. The flaw in the latter is that no team is going to offer a contract that Hedo wants because almost every team is saving money for after next season. If Hedo goes back to Orlando and then enters the 2010 pool he is guarenteeing becoming a teams, "next best thing" pick-up which would hurt the soft 6"10s feelings. Long story short, i think he stay's.
With a tenth title, does this make Phil Jackson the best coach in NBA history?
- Numbers make it tough to argue but I will say no. Ten titles had been an impossible milestone but they way he won them has to take a little of the glory away from him. He took Jordan to six titles, kobe and shaq to three and kobe alone to one. The 08-09 was by far the most impressive and makes Phil deserve as much credit as he gets but there is still no way you can put him ahead of Red Auerbach. Red built dynasty after dynasty with the same team over an extended period of time either coaching or working in the front office. He also revolutionized the game we have today by drafting the first african american and having the first starting five all of african decent. Phil revolutionized the triangle offense, something 95% of sports fans probably can't describe. Phil also took huge advantage by having Jordan during the NBA's worst years, the 90's. With the exception of Karl Malone, regular season hero, playoff choke, there was very little competition for the better half of the decade. To make a better metaphor, if football was as bad as the NBA was in 1998 Ryan Leaf would not only not currently be fleeing from the law but looking at four or five superbowl rings. One stat that many people fail to remember however about Phil Jackson is that as a coach, he's never missed the postseason! Give me one more ring Phil and you'll have my support hands down as the best coach in NBA history.
Is stan Van Gundy a choke?
- After this postseason Shaq has been proved wrong by calling Gundy a choke. Orlando simply ran out of gas, while constantly shooting themselves in the foot, and while watching other teams hit buzzershot after buzzershot on them. He has nothing to be ashamed of; except that haircut he got for the finals.
Will Blake Griffen lead the Clippers to the postseason?
- No. Sorry thats it. Go to wikipedia and look at the Clippers history. Not much to be proud of since they played in Buffalo. Yes they played in Buffalo, then San Diego. Actually they have nothing to be proud of. Maybe they should play a few home games in Toronto.
Tell me about Farvs shoulder!
- I have lost so much respect for this former icon that i will continue to spell his name Phenetically instead of how it's supposed to be spelled. However a return to the NFL's Vikings should lead to a late season Lions win.
Bet of the day:
Royals (-140) over the Diamondbacks...
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