it's bad enough the red sox have begun overpaying players that don't fit but the events of the past two weeks have led to my decision to abandon ship. This is your fault Boston Red Sox board of shadowy figures. To leak information about Terry Francona in the mannor it was leaked is the most asinine surreal experience of my life. That being said, has anyone ever spelled the word experience correct the first time? Bull Shit. I'm calling you out shadowy figures.
Tom Werner: I don't even know what your day to day chairman shit is all about but i hate you.
John Henry: Faking injuries, divorcing a new broad every year. Who are you kidding? I hope next time you slip on your yacht you get knocked out and drowned you fraud. I have a sneaking suspicion you are leaking everything.
Guy who plays sweet caroline: Fuck you!
Guy who wrote sweet caroline: Fuck you!
Larry Lucchino: Dark day for Italians indeed.
How is Lebron James the most likable figure in the Red Sox organization? Think about that shit. Anyways, I'm done. I never would have thought the Yankees would be classier than Boston, but those days are here. Congrats Red Sox nation. Your fucking dead to me.
Empire state of mind. im out. new yorkkkk
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