Monday, April 7, 2008

The Detroit Tigers, Along With Other Jokes.

If you want to avoid always being wrong B Shea, don't set yourself up with a "Stupid Idiotic Comment To Make". Thank you to Curt Schilling for that comment. Other than that, for at least one post you didn't sound like a five year old trying to give insight into a big world. I will say about Canseco is that he needs to slow down. I'm not going to say his book is full of lies because he understands the legal side of publishing lies but I am going to say that when the going get tough, Jose get's going. Steroids are a distugsting shadow casted over the 90's over baseball but tremendous steps have been taken to clean up a dirty game. It seems odd to me that the witchhunt is still going on. My only question for Jose is, why wouldn't you just add the big names in your new book to your first one? Does he have blackmail on every player from the 90's? Something isn't right and I personally wouldn't take anything he says in his new book to seriously.

0-6 isn't the way baseball expected the $137,685,196 payroll of the Detroit tigers to start off the 2008 season. There current payroll is 2nd among baseball teams in the MLB only trailing the New York Yankees. So many moves were made this offseason by Detroit, especially picking up Dontrelle Willis and Miguel Cabrera. Edgar Renteria and his ten million per year were also added. This move forced former SS Carlos Guillen to move to first base. All offseason the so called experts said that the tigers had the best offense 1-9 in baseball and most predicted them to at least make the playoffs as a wild card team. One has to imagine there hitting dillema's have to turn around at some point over the 162 game season but the problem will lie with their pitching. Justin Verlander who's no hitter a mere year ago is his only claim to fame but what is missed through his near 100 mile per hour fastball is the fact that in 2007 he led baseball in wild pitches and hit batsmen. Jeremy Bonderman has a career ERA over 4.78 which seems high but not as high as his 8.5 million per seaon he banks. Dontrelle Willis who hasn't pitched a .500 season since 2003 isn't going to hold this starting rotation together. Nate Robertson who has a career ERA of 4.63 is also one of the starting five. The startling fact about him however is the fact that he barely averages more starts than home runs allowed. You can't win games when the ball is in that pesky crowd at Comerica Park. Finally there is tv camera man hating, Dumping booze on police man pitching, eight million per year earning, 43 year young pitcher Kenny Rogers. He was the only pitcher on this team which looked good in there 0-6 start, but only for about four innings. He was lights out, pitching a no hitter threw three innings until the powerhouse Royals got to see him again. It is very tough in this day and age to win games when your starters can't get out of the 5th inning. Unfortunatly for Detroit their bullpen is even worse than there starting pitching. At the back end, closer Todd Jones who I personally guarentee gives up more warning track flyball outs than any two pitchers in baseball. He is a workhorse at 39 years old but over the stretch of an entire season will fade. Getting to Jones is the tricky part however. Fernando Rodney, Bobby Seay, Jason Grilli, Zach Minor, Denny Bautista, Yorman Bazardo, and the always injured Joel Zumaya at any given point make up the bullpen. Keep in mind that out of a 137+ million dollar pay roll, only Fernando Rodney makes over one million per season. Big names all offseason and the only addition to your bullpen is Denny Bautista!

Not to brag but i want to remind everyone from my post on March 28th I said the Detroit would NOT make the postseason, while my counterpart B Shea who seems to enjoy always being wrong has them winning the AL Central. Look for Detroit to finish third in the division as i said so long ago. Finally, watch Kansas tonight beat up on Memphis so I can win my first ever bracket pool. It's too easy being this right all the time!

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